Mo’s Story

The idea behind the show came to me when I was introduced to the great Naval Ravikant while on ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’. He was like a spitfire-machine of gems, wisdom and learnings that he so effortlessly shared. I could not un-hear it.

These were my takeways:

1) Own a piece of a business. Even if just a small stake in one to get started.

2) Stop renting out your time for money. Human beings are not meant to work a 9-to-5.

3) If your idea of “the perfect job” does not exist, create it.

4) The end of the ‘Industrial revolution’ will mark the beginning of the ‘Information revolution’.

What I then did was sign up for a masterclass course in podcasting (link below). Acquired the necessary equipment. Called up two of my closest friends (Mo E1 & Mash E2), asked them if they would be up for a pilot. With a bit of fortune, they both took a chance on me and so ‘The Mo Show Podcast’ was born.

Udemy masterclass in podcasting

Vision & Mission

To provide a front-row seat to life and cutlure of modern day Saudi Arabia whilst shedding light on the progression and accomplishments of the country told by those on the ground who share their personal stories and experiences.